
Dear Mother-To-Be
Having been privileged to look after a great many of your
predecessors in my long obstetric career, I decided to assemble answers to their multiple questions and concerns into a set of handbooks that I’d like to pass on to you. We know that many patients fail to remember all the questions they mean to ask during appointments with the doctor. Pregnant women and their partners are no different. There’s also so much new information to convey that answers that appeared clear in the consulting room can become hazy by the time you reach home. These handbooks are for you to dip into whenever you need clarity, whether at home with the printed format or on the move with the digital version.
I wrote this handbook specially for you. The aim is to help you
make the best possible preparation for the birth of your baby.
It tells you all you need to know about each stage involved, the most commonly used procedures, and the potential problems.
Please read the handbook carefully. You can clear up any
questions to which you still need answers at your next
antenatal visit. Midwives, nurses and doctors will be only
too happy to provide you with more information on any topic.
Wishing you the best of births, a relaxing postpartum and, above all, a blissful start to a lifelong relationship with your baby.
Roland Zimmermann